Application areas: pain issues, weight reduction and smoking cessation.
The Chinese healing method of acupuncture knows about 700 acupuncture points on the human skin. They are located on the meridians where the Qi (life energy) flows. By stimulating the acupuncture points with needles, the Qi can be regulated to relieve the pain and discomfort.
The acupuncture needles are stung in particular selected acupuncture points, according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). For an amplification of the effect, the acupuncture points can be additionally heated. As a supportive therapy, such as after an operation, acupuncture can help with pain and other physical discomfort.
In my practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg I run the acupuncture according to the guidelines of Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan, O. M. D., L. ac. San Diego, California.
The patients with non-problematic genesis in the addiction as well as patients with other diseases can benefit from permanent needles – in fact it intensifies the effect, particularly. The lingering and permanent needles will be placed for a longer period in the ear tissue. Because the needles are very small, they are barely noticeable and not visible.
Acupuncture can also be used successfully in the following areas:
Weight reduction with acupuncture
First, we need to do a detailed medical history and we use acupuncture and permanent needles. Please note: acupuncture can only support weight reduction with a simultaneous change in diet and a reorganisation therapy.
Test anxiety
For students who suffer from test anxiety, learning difficulties and concentration problems, I offer a special promotion 3-for-2-package: three acupuncture sessions for the price of two sessions.
Smoking cessation
Do you want to finally quit smoking, but not have done so far? Then ear acupuncture or globules can help.
Jump into your now smoke-free, healthier life! In the first, and most difficult weeks of smoking cessation, the Fumarexin ® therapy can help with or altogether prevent the withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, salivation, or nervousness. Fumarexin ® consists of acupuncture, homoeopathic complex remedies and neural therapy.
Do you want to change something? The decision is up to you! Feel free to make an appointment for acupuncture!